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Creating, Updating, and Deleting Departments

Creating a New Department

  1. Navigate to Human Resources > Departments

This image is a screenshot that depicts the user navigating to the "Departments" page of Rapid Platform. The image contains two red boxes which indicate what items to click on the sidebar. One red box surrounds the "Human Resources" menu item, and the other box surrounds the "Departments" menu item.

  1. Select New Department

A screenshot that indicates how to create a new Department. A red box surrounds the "New Department" button. This button is at the top of the "Departments" page.

  1. Enter a Name and Status

A screenshot that indicates where the Department fields titled "Name" and "Status" are located when creating a new Department item

  1. Select Create or Create and Open

Editing a Department

  1. Navigate to Human Resources > Departments

This image is a screenshot that depicts the user navigating to the "Departments" page of Rapid Platform. The image contains two red boxes which indicate what items to click on the sidebar. One red box surrounds the "Human Resources" menu item, and the other box surrounds the "Departments" menu item.

  1. Open the desired department item. (Locate the department by either scrolling through the list or using the search).

A screenshot that demonstrates how to find a Department item. The screenshot is annotated with red boxes. The upper red box shows how to enter text to search for an item. The lower red box shows how that item appears and can be selected.

  1. Edit the fields as required

A screenshot that depicts how to edit Department items in Rapid Standard. The screenshot is annotated with a red box, which indicates the fields that can be edited.

  1. Press Save or Save and Close

Deleting Departments

It is not recommended to delete a department. Instead, change its status to Archived. This way you can maintain a record of past and current departments.

However, if you need to delete a department due to incorrect data entry or a duplicate entry, you can do so in two ways: from the list or from the item page. Deleting from the list allows you to delete multiple departments at once.

Deleting Multiple Departments from the List Page

  1. Navigate to Human Resources > Departments

This image is a screenshot that depicts the user navigating to the "Departments" page of Rapid Platform. The image contains two red boxes which indicate what items to click on the sidebar. One red box surrounds the "Human Resources" menu item, and the other box surrounds the "Departments" menu item.

  1. Select the departments you want to delete

  2. Press Delete X Departments

A screenshot the demonstrates how to delete multiple items. A red box surrounds the button that the user must press to delete multiple items. It is a red button with a trash can icon.

Deleting a Single Department from an Item Page

  1. Navigate to Human Resources > Departments

This image is a screenshot that depicts the user navigating to the "Departments" page of Rapid Platform. The image contains two red boxes which indicate what items to click on the sidebar. One red box surrounds the "Human Resources" menu item, and the other box surrounds the "Departments" menu item.

  1. Open the desired department item. (Locate the department by either scrolling through the list or using the search)

A screenshot that demonstrates how to find a Department item. The screenshot is annotated with red boxes. The upper red box shows how to enter text to search for an item. The lower red box shows how that item appears and can be selected.

  1. Select Delete

A screenshot the demonstrates how to a single multiple items. A red box surrounds the button that the user must press to delete a single items. It is a red button with a trash can icon, and a label that reads "Delete".